Saturday, March 31, 2007

Aunts & Uncles

Ben has lots of Aunts & Uncles!

Uncle Cory

Aunt Annie

Uncle Clint

Aunt Jada

Uncle Casey

Aunt Carly

Uncle Derrick

Ben & Grandparents

Ben has lots of Grandmas & Grandpas that love him!

Grandma & Grandpa Bob & Virginia Begger

Grandma & Grandpa Marc & Leona Morasko

Ben & his Grandmas!

4 Generations!

Great Grandma Audre Barthel

Great Grandpa Ray Barthel

Great Grandma Elaine Begger

Great Grandpa Harry Begger

Great Grandma Janice Morasko

Great Grandpa Roland Brown

Ben Meets his Cousins

We made a trip back 'home' (Glendive/Wibaux) so that Ben could meet more family including his 4 cousins...Makenna (8) Tate (5) Abby (2) and Ella (1).

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Warming up to the Bath!

As you can see Ben figured out that bathtime wasn't so bad once he could actually soak in the water a little bit...better than that sponge bath business!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

1 Month Old!

Some of his one month pics...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Favorite Pasttime - Snoozin

In the first few weeks, everyone was catching some shut-eye whenever we had the chance! You can see that Dad developed a new favorite pasttime snoozin with his little man.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Harrison's Visit

Friends Bryce, Jamie & Jane Harrison came for a visit to meet Ben. Jane is a year older and will no doubt be showing Ben the ropes before too long!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Ben & Brady - Volume 1

Ben and his first little buddy Brady Weedin. Brady is about 2 1/2 months older. It's going to be fun to watch these two little guys grow together! Ben is only a couple weeks old here and Brady is about 3 months.