Sunday, July 29, 2007

Buddies Kyle & Laurel

We went out to a fun dinner with friends Kyle & Laurel Pederson and then got to hang out at the house for awhile...we don't get to see them nearly enough. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day at the Pool

Our friend Amanda took us to the Riverside pool to hang out for the day. As much as Ben loves the water, the big kid pool was just a little too cold for him so we had to hang out in the baby pool.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Playin in the Lawn

We sat out front tonight and enjoyed the cool grass!

5 Months Old!

A few of Ben's 5 month pics...

A lot of people think I look like my daddy!

Hmmm...I see my dad 'playing' with this toy a lot. :)
Kickin back watching a little sports center.

Nice cheeks bud.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Buddy Shaners

Our friend Shane Markuson was in town from Vegas for a night so Ben got to meet him and mom and dad got to go out on the town and catch up with him and Will Ralph while cousin Jaylin babysat. Will...if you wouldn't have snuck out so early to get back for softball you would've made the blog. :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Harley Ridin with Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma & Grandpa Morasko rode their Harleys up to visit.

Ben had to get in on some of the Harley action...
I think Grandpa has big plans for Ben & Harleys...too bad he has to go through Ben's mom first. haha

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cousins Julie & John

Our cousins John & Julie Nelson stopped by for a visit.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

First Few Bites

We introduced Ben to a little rice cereal...he was very interested, but couldn't quite figure out how to get it down. Everything that went in seemed to find it's way back out. :) He thought he was a big boy though and really wanted to take the spoon and do it himself!

In his big boy diner chair...he tried his first few bites of cereal a couple nights ago in this chair, but unfortunately dad was too busy videoing (as soon as we figure out how to upload that we'll get it onto the blog!) and mom had her hands full so we didn't get any pics of the fun mess.

This was a couple nights later when we made another attempt...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Ben & 'The Girls'

A few pics of Ben and his 'Aunties'...friends Beth, Keri & Kasey.

...with Beth (Gentry) Williams

...with Keri (Welker) Haworth

...with Kasey (Feldmann) Mosley