Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Books & Babies

Our friends Ali & Brady Weedin offerred to pick Ben up from daycare and take him to 'Books & Babies' at the new library and I was able to meet up with them on my lunch break. The leader sang a few songs and nursery rhymes and then turned everyone loose to play with all the toys. The kids loved all the action...hoping we can go back for some more!

Ben loved all the toys to play with...especially the big blocks!

Brady & Ben getting reacquainted... (Brady is about 2 1/2 months older than Ben)

Ali had to play ref a little bit...they were trying to toughin each other up with a few smacks. :)

Brady & Ben with their other little buddy Elsye Robinson (almost 3 months old)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

7 Months Old!

A few of Ben's other 7 month pics...

Hanging out on the lawn with his puppies.

Here Oakley, fetch your ball.

Sunday afternoon...

He still loves his ducky...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Learning to Crawl

We've mastered the crawl position...and have even went a step further into the bear crawl...but so far have only managed to scoot ourselves backwards. No forward motion yet, but believe me, he gets to where he need to go!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

1st Bobcat Game

A few pics from Ben's first Bobcat Game. They played Dixie State and womped 'em 61-7. Ben did was a beautiful day out and he loved being outside and all the action. He was hamming it up for the crowd and finally crashed in Mom's arms in the middle of the 4th. I was kind of slackin on the pictures...good thing there's many more games to come. :)

Tailgating with Dad.

A little guy time with buddy Dane.

Hangin out with Presley.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ben & Jace

A few pictures from the weekend in Billings for another cousins's wedding (Brad Quade).

Mom & Ben with cousins Mandy & Jace.

Check out this grass.

Pretty cute little guys.

Mandy, Mike & Jace.

Ben with his Uncle Casey & Aunt Carly. He can't wait for his new little cousin due in March. :)

Partying with Grandpa & Grandma.