Sunday, January 27, 2008


We finally have some snow while the temperatures aren't freezing cold so we were able to take the sled Ben got for Christmas out on a test drive. He was all smiles unless the wind was in his face.

Bundled up and ready to go.

Pretty fun stuff!

The dogs of course love getting out and playing in the snow. Thought about hooking them up to the sled, but not sure Ben's up for that wild ride yet. :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

11 Months Old!

It's been pretty quiet around here since the holidays...everyone's recouping and trying to stay warm! Here are a few pics from the month...

Peaking up over the end table.

Ben mastered the puckered lips and it is now his new favorite expression.

Eating more and more of the 'big kid' food...the spaghetti was a hit.

A little thin on top yet, but what he has is getting longer!