Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cousin Lisa's Wedding

My cousin Lisa Beddow was married on 4/26 in Missoula so we had a house full of family here on Thursday night and then we all headed to Missoula for a fun family weekend. Forgetful mom forgot her camera (ok, so it was the whole purse with the camera inside :) so we bummed a few shots off of Grandma. I'm bummed I didn't get more of the family, including the beautiful bride...and Ben shakin his moves on the dance floor in his pj's...oh well, rest assured we had a good time!

Aunt Reenie sent a few pics she had so I added a couple toward the bottom...

Reading with big cousin Kenna.

The boys...Tate & Ben.

Some loving from cousin Abby.

Slumber party with all the cousins...minus our little Ella who was too far away in Mandan ND to make the trip.

Swimmin at the hotel...the pool was a little chilly!

Some of the cousins...Ben & Mom, Jessie & Abby, Tate, Nick, Kenna, & Hayden.

Tate & Uncle Nick being goofy.

Warming up by Aunt Carly & Grace.

At the wedding...

Takin his Grandma out to the dance floor.
Ben shakin his booty with a little girl on the dance floor.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bubble Bath

Ben thought it was pretty fun to play in the bubbles in Mom & Dad's big tub.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

MSU Spring Rodeo

We weren't able to go to Wibaux to see Grandma for her birthday so we went out to dinner with the Weedins and then took in MSU's Spring Rodeo.

There were some puppies for sale when we walked in so the boys had to check them out.

We sat in the front row on top so the boys could check out some of the action up close.

These two are becoming quite the little buds.

They had a fun time walking up and down the isle socializing with the other kids.

Brady, Ali & Jeff

Playing in all the dirt.

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Grandma...Love You!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Playstation Junkies

Since the weather doesn't seem to want to actually turn to Spring, this has been the boys' new favorite pasttime.