Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Little Tailgating

A few pics from tailgating at the Cat game. Ben was feeling under the weather so we only made it until half time, but he was a trooper and had fun playing with everyone.

Playing washers with Dad & Kyle.

Mini me.

Buddy Kyle.

Playin with Mason & Presley.

The hat says it all.
Had to test out Elsye's pink bunny chair.
Playin in the camper with little cheerleader Elsye & Presley.

Helping Presley play her video game.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Loungin

Now that we've gotten past the need to eat the crayons (for the most part), coloring has become a lot more fun!

Playin football - Moka & Ben vs. Oakley & Dad.

The 'stance'.

Morning Hike with Friends

We got up this morning and went out to South Cottonwood for a nice little hike with some friends.

Waiting for the troops to get there.

Ben, Nick, Holly & Beth.

Over the bridge.

Amanda and Beth.

Holly and Gondo.

We had 5 adults, Ben, and 6 dogs. :)

Holly, Beth, Carrie & Amanda

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Playdate with Brady

We got to have Brady out for an evening and the boys had a lot of fun together...and we did too watching them!

A little mashed potatoes, corn & fish sticks to keep the energy up for a night of hard playing!

We took them to the little playground behind our house and they both bolted for the slide, but seemed to have more fun climbing up it than going down.

Their moms must have them trained with the cameras because when I said say 'cheese' they were both ready and willing. :)

Nick giving a push on the swings.

Good little buds!

A 'dip' in the sandbox.

Stories with Dad/Nick.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Welk's Wedding

So while Ben was playing at Amanda''s what we were up to! Sorry, this was the best way to share some of these pics with friends. :)

The beautiful bride and groom.
College roommates...always a great time getting back together!

Sorry girls...they're taken! ha

The lucky guys. :)