Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fun with Lez

We had fun catching up with Lezlee for the weekend. Ben had fun showing off for her and she was the lucky recipient of his first wet proud. :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Dinner with Weedins

Lez was in town so we had the Weedin clan out for dinner and a little ping pong. Ben wasn't feeling himself, but the boys still had some fun.

Ben busy chowing on his enchilladas while Brady shares some giggles with his Auntie Lez.

A little Wii boxing...

Uh oh, look what we've started!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ben and Mom

My 'baby' isn't so baby anymore!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Figuring out the Bed

Well after about a week straight of falling out of the bed, I think he's finally figured it out. Sometimes he's hanging off the edge, but I no longer find him out in the middle of the floor. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fun Weekend with Jane

Bryce and Jane came up to hang out with us for the weekend and Ben & Jane had so much fun together...aside from the occasional scuffle over sharing a toy or two. It's tuff being a little person!

Brushing teeth with electric! :)

Jane brought her princess cot and Ben was loving it.

Slumber party.

Wasn't sure we were going to be able to get him into his own bed!

The daddys trying to talk everyone into going night night.

Bryce asked Jane if she wanted to sleep in his room or Ben's, and it was definitely Ben's...she also wouldn't go to sleep until her cot was right next to Ben's bed. They actually made it through the night like this if you can believe it (and Ben didn't roll off onto her either. :) I snuck in to snap this picture and no one even flinched.


Stories from Bryce...nothing like reading the coloring book. ha

A little ravioli dinner date.

You can see who the neat eater is...and a little boy that isn't!

Watching movies.

Ahhhhh...what a cute little pair. :)

By the looks of it Jane may have had enough for the weekend. ha

Can't leave without a smooch.

Jane and her daddy. It was a fun weekend...hope they come back and visit us again soon!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Toddler Bed

We took the front of the crib off to convert it into a toddler bed and it's been going really good...except for the fact Ben keeps falling out and I keep finding him curled up on the floor in the morning. Poor guy!