Saturday, February 28, 2009

2 Year Smiles

We had Ben's 2 year pictures taken in Billings and he did so good...he was following all the directions and cheesing it up as usual!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Big 2

Hard to believe we are already celebrating the big 2. We went home so we could celebrate with family and Ben party with his cousins.

Had to snap quick because the hat didn't stay on long!

Gramma made this cool car cake, as Ben called it...'Queen' (a.k.a. Lightening McQueen).

Cousin Grace turns one a week after Ben's birthday so they got to celebrate together.

Grace and mom & dad

She dove right in and pretty soon we could keep the little hands away!

Cousin Hailey, Abby, Kenna, Ben, Tate & Grace

Ready to blow!

Gramma & Grampa with the birthday kids.

Ben and his Grammas.

Gramma and Aunt Jenny came down to help party.

Playing with Aunt Annie.

Ben loves his Grammas.

Great Gramma Begger

Great Grampa Begger helping open presents...Ben sporting his new Longhorn beenie.

Cousin Rachel came out for birthday hugs before she jetted off to win the District b-ball championship game...great job Rach!

Tate was the present helper.

Ben and his new backpack from Gramma & Grampa B.

Ben was loving his 'backpack backpack' (yes, he watches Dora).

Aunt Jenny helping blow up some punching balloons.

Balloon wars

Party animal.

Family Fun-time

Ben loves going to Gramma & Grampa's and has so much fun playing with his cousins.

Waiting for Gramma to make breakfast. :)

The crew...our little Ella got sick though so they weren't able to make it home for the weekend - we sure missed them!

Makenna was trying to practice her songs and the boys thought they would pester.

Tater brought up some of his cars so Ben could check them out.

Dog-piling Uncle Nick - I think Ben was trying to save Dad.

Cory & Tate. Was so good to see Tate looking and feeling so good.

Boys being silly with Annie.

These two weren't sure they wanted to share their Gramma!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We made some cupcakes for Ben to take to daycare for his 2ND BIRTHDAY and he thought he should try them out...

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Guess someone was pooped!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Playhouse Disney

Playhouse Disney was in town so we took Ben...he watches Disney in the mornings for a little bit while mom's getting ready for work so he knew all the characters...Mickey, Pooh Bear, Handy Manny...

All ready to go to his first 'show'.

Having a cookie. We also tried cotton candy...and after we finally convinced him he could put it in his mouth, he spit it out and threw the rest. Guess the texture was a little much. I'm going to remind him in another year or so when he wants it that he 'doesn't like it!'

A few of the characters he got to see.

Once the show started he was glued...he even clapped and danced along to parts.