Saturday, March 21, 2009

M Hike

Even though there was still a little snow on the ground, the weather was perfect for a little hike up to the M. Our friends Lez & Bryce were in town so we had a fun morning out in the fresh air.

Getting heavier, but still fits snug in his pack.

At the top. We had our two pups, plus a black lab we were dog-sitting, plus our friends' golden that we took along for the jaunt...they were all lovin life.

Ben with his buddies Lez & Bryce.

Love the views!

Dad's knee was starting to ache so I packed the big guy down part ways...if you want a good workout for the 'ol legs put an extra 30 lbs on your back! :)

Nick was trying to arrange a dog photo op...

...the 'ol tongues are a hangin!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sweet Tooth

We had a chocolate craving so Ben helped mom whip up a batch of her famous out-of-the box brownies. :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Dad brought home some plans to do a little work so Ben thought he need to sit at the table and 'work' too...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Enjoying the Weather

We took advantage of the warmer weather on a Sunday afternoon and hit the park behind our house.

For some reason he always came around the bend turned around on his belly. :)

The dogs always enjoy a trip to the park too.

We ventured on a little walk and found lots of...well, a muddy mess!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Partyin at Beth's

We went over to Beth & Sean's the other night to hang out and play games and Ben was the life of the party. It got late so (after falling off the couch once) Beth made him a bed out of couch cushions...he thought he was livin life with his chips, water, cushy bed, and CARS on the tube.

Smooches for Beth.

Flirting with the girls...Beth & Amanda.

It may have been midnight, but he still refused to call it a night! Go figure he was zonked in the car about 2 blocks after we left.