Friday, April 24, 2009

Fun with Friends

Ben had a busy weekend playing with lots of little buddies.

Bryce & Jane came to visit again so Jane and 'Baby Ben' (as Jane still likes to call him) had fun catching back up.

This is the new trick Jane taught Ben...she told me that's what she gets to do at her, dad do you know about this?!

Yep...she was no rookie! ha

Perfect little angels....

Reading books before bed.

Doing some water coloring...who knew it took sooo much water to color one little page!

Later that night we had more friends out for a little BBQ, including Brady and his little sis Olivia.

Cool dudes.

3 peas in a pod.

Attempting Wii...but basically ready for bed. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Ben finding his basket...

Gotta love the peeps (yuck!) :)

Gramma & Grampa sent a package for us so Grace & Ben were having fun looking through all the goodies. Wish they could've been there to spend the day with us and celebrate another special occasion...Happy Birthday Gramma!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hangin at Grace's

We had such a relaxing, enjoyable weekend. Saturday morning we went golfing, hit up the Easter egg hunt, and then went back to Casey & Carly's and enjoyed the sunshine!

Ben had to borrow from Grace...looks pretty good in pink. :)

Out playing in Grace's Dora-mobile.

Room for 2? Ben thought so...

We forgot Ben's sunhat so he had to sport one of Grace's...just a touch too small. :)

Playing roll with Uncle Casey and Grace.

Bryce came over and Casey & Nick fried up some turkeys...yum!

Hangin with Bryce... trouble.

Easter Egg Hunt

We took the kids to an Easter Egg hunt...lots of kids and activities!

Ben checking everything out.

Daddies and the kiddos.

One of the activities was a football toss...Dad giving some last minute instruction. :)

He's no dummy...went up close for the sure win.

Getting ready for the big hunt...

I didn't realize this until looking back through the pics...Dad told Ben to 'get ready, set' and Ben took to his football stance. :)

Ben raced out for the eggs, but as soon as he grabbed a couple he was more interested in opening them up to see what was in them than grabbing any more.

We forgot our basket so had to makeshift with the 'ol backpack.

Grace taking it all in.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Horsin Around :)

We went up to Casey & Carly's in Billings for Easter weekend and Ben had fun trying out Grace's horsey she got for her birthday.

Ben 'helping' Grace ride...

Snuggling with Uncle Casey.