Saturday, May 30, 2009


Ben spent part of the day the other week hanging out with his buddy Brady (and Brady's mom Ali and sis Livvy :)... here's a picture Ali took...pretty good looking little dudes!

I had to steal this one off of Brady's blog to share...too cute!
The boys with Brady's little sis Olivia...3 months old.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Gramma & Grampa Visit

Gramma & Grampa came up to visit for Memorial Day weekend!

This was Ben trying to 'pose' for Gramma...he's quite the cheeser.
We drove up to Virginia City one day and walked around. We even took a train ride from Virginia City to Nevada City and back. Here's Ben and Gramma & Grampa waiting at the train station.
The boys.

Here's the little train we took. Ben was scared when it first pulled up, but once we got going we had to hold on to him tight because he was bouncing around loving it. He even got to sound the horn and ring the bell.

Grampa & Gramma on the train.
Dad picked out this baseball machine for Ben and he's been practicing a lot...pretty good for such a little tike!


Ben sure misses them...he went in every morning to wake them up and hand Gramma her glasses. :)

He's getting pretty good at riding his trike he got for Christmas.

The story behind this picture is better than the picture itself. First, it was a little chilly so Ben came in to get his hat...went and found this stocking hat and pulled it on. Then after he was outside for awhile we didn't know where he went and he was at the far end of the yard behind some bushes...doing his business...busted.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Washing the Pickup

Ben helped Dad wash his pickup this afternoon...

Dad showing Ben how to spray the hose... which he later regretted doing. :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Carol & Z Visit

Auntie Carol & Z were home visiting so we were able to meet up with them for lunch one day while we were in Glendive!

Morasko Family Time

We had to make an unexpected quick trip home for the weekend to attend the funeral of Nick's Great Uncle John. There was lots of family was fun seeing everyone and being able to catch up. The weather was awesome...we were able to hang out in the backyard and BBQ.

Ben with his Dad and Aunt Jenny

Hanging with Grampa.

Playing with Uncle Derrick.

Ben and his trusty followers...Gramma & Gramp's BT's.

Puckering up for a kiss from Gramma...

Guess it was a little slobbery...Ben thought he was pretty funny...

Playing kickball with Jenny.

Loves from Mom.