Sunday, January 31, 2010

No Frosty

Ben has been talking about wanting to make a snowman so him and Dad went out to test the snow, but no go on the snowman...too fluffy.

Geared up...he had to put his shades on once he saw dad with his.

The snow was just right for snow angels though...or as Abby dubbed them, 'Taterbug Angels'.

Ben and his 'friend Nick' as he was referring to him. :)

Friday, January 15, 2010


Ben has been into anything to do with forts, tents, and cages. Sometimes the puppies even get in on the action.

Oakley is such a good sport about it. :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Relaxin in Jan

We've been laying pretty low this month just staying home and relaxing. Ben & Dad have even gotten in some hottubbing when it hasn't been too freezing cold.