Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter Bunny!

This is the first year since Ben's 1st Easter that we've been home. We had a fun Easter morning and Ben was pretty excited that the Easter Bunny actually came in his house!

Even Zach was having a good time finding those eggs.

Ben...struggling a little to find his basket.

We had a couple moments of 'I found it first!'

Ahhh...behind the couch.

Easter Bunny put a yo-yo ball in Ben's basket.

Zach actually went in his room and came out with an egg...I think he spied it when I was changing his diaper earlier that morning and he knew exactly where it was.

My cute little bunnies.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Turkey Fry

We don't always get to make it back to be with family on Easter, but regardless of where we're at, one of our (especially Nick's!) favorite things to do on Easter is fry a turkey. This year we had Kyle & Laurel and Sean & Beth was actually a decent day out and sun was shining...good time with great food and great friends!

The turkey frying extravaganza (Nick, Sean, Ben & Kyle)

Zach was LOVING being's going to be a fun summer!

Ben talked Laurel & Beth into doing some sidewalk chalk...I think I still have Easter eggs out back!

Zach made the game of cornhole a little more challenging...he kept digging the bags out of the hole. :)

Egg Hunt Chaos

The Bobcats had a scrimmage and over in the practice fields there was a big egg hung 'chaos' I like to call it. It was a snowy, wet, muddy mess and thousands of kids...

They had inflatables set up everywhere so Ben was loving that...

What kind of form is that buddy? I guess your dad was a D lineman not a quarterback.

Ben and his loot.

I think you got a couple eggs in there didn't you bud?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Egg Coloring Crew

The boys took care of the egg dying task...Ben picked out the 'extreme' pack so we had bright eggs with black electric 3D stickers...does that scream Easter or what??

Sunday, April 17, 2011


As Zach is getting older its fun watching the 'buddy' relation ship grow between him and Ben. When Ben's not being awnry and Zach's not being whiny...they actually have a good little time together!

We keep getting bouts of winter so we've had a few lazy movie days...

Ben wanted pics of his hands and feet...they are way too big to be my baby's!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Big Plans

Ben & I always have the best conversations in the car to and from daycare...I guess because he's tied down to one place long enough. So this morning, our conversation was about all the things he was going to do when he got bigger. Here's some of his list: - Help Dad build some houses - Help Grampa on the farm - Climb big ladders to help Dad on the roof - Help people with their cars - Get a camper (he's mildly obsessed with camping and us getting a camper someday :) And then he throws in... - Paint my bathroom red... Not sure how to interpret that?! :) He never ceased to make me smile.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Boogie Down

We had a little bit of Saturday night fever going on in our house...between Ben's break dancing and Zach's little groove we were quite entertained!

Oh April Snow

Well, I guess on the plus side, the last April snow storm that came through brought perfect snowman/snowfort snow with it! Nick, Ben, Zach & I headed out back and played for awhile...we sent out to make a simple snowman and it turned into a snow fortress.

Finally huh Ben! Throughout the winter he kept asking when we could do a snowman and the snow was either white and fluffy and wouldn't stick or was slushy and he was pretty happy that it was cooperating!

Zach liked to just sit in the snow and eat it. A couple of times I turned around and he was face planted right in a snow pile, happy as a lark.

Hanging out while mom & dad do all the grunt work!

Ben helping make the 'snow guards'.

A little hard to see, but dad & Ben put the finishing touches on it, including the tunnel. A lot of work to be all melted the next day. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Walk This Way

Zach has been taking steps here and there since his 1st birthday, but I think we can officially say he's a walker!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Gramma!

Surprise! We threw my mom a surprise 60th party in the basement of the Rainbow. Some of the family had a yummy dinner and then were joined by more friends and family. Fun time!

The birthday girl (my Gramma Begger made the yummy cake!).

Gramma & her kids.

They loved helping Gramma celebrate!

Abby, Aunt Darlene, Uncle Bill, Gramma & Gramp Begger

Final 4 games were on so that was party entertainment for some.

Julie, Jace & Darlene

My mom & her parents

Mom with MaryAlice & Tim

It was prom night in Wibaux so Rachel stopped by to say hi in her beautiful dress...the girls loved it!

Looks like trouble...Grace, Ella & Ben

Who, us? Grace, Ben & Gavin

Oh those candles are bright! :) Zach & Gavin

Little rockstar Jace

Look at this party crowd...Jace, Zach, Gavin & Daxon Kahl (Kent & Carly's little guy)

Even Coy was partying!

Lookin like a movie star Kenna

Dad & Zach

Mom & some of her good buddies...
with Judy Frasch

Classmates - Renee Nelson, Patti Zinda, Bitsy Knight and Mom

Pat Feldmann & Mom