Saturday, May 21, 2011

Farm & Family Getaway

I had some time to use and Nick had a boys weekend coming up so Ben, Zach & I packed our bags and headed to Gramma & Grampa's farm for a week full of lots of family time and farm fun.

We were able to take in Rachel's graduation. Can't believe she's out of high school...being the smart girl she is, she's headed here to be a BOBCAT!

The cousins that were able to make it...Mandy, Cory, me, Rach, Casey & Andrew

The 'next generation' cousins helped party too!

Zach (14 mos) & Coy(7 mos)...I think Zach better be nice to his 'little' cousin! :)

Mandy & her kiddos came and spent some time with us too so Ben got to catch up with his cousin Jace.

Gabi, Jace, Ben & Zach - I think the 2 in front could take their big brothers!

Gramma got lots of snuggling in.


Ben got to help Grampa mow the lawn.

We even got Amanda's little Jace for a day...Zach's birthday buddy!

Playin a little hoops.

Chillin on the deck of the playhouse - they're either squinting or not impressed with the photo interruption!

Zach swinging with Gramma.

Lots of miles were put on the 4 wheeler!

Gramma has the best tupperware cupboard huh Zach!

We even got to catch one of Abby's t-ball games!

Dad helping coach.

Zach and his Kenna.

The park out at the softball fields was made in memory of our sweet Tate.

Kenna, Coach Annie & Abby

Sorry Abby...he's an awnry one.

Ben missed his girls!

I think this was a collapsed hug...or a Kenna dogpile.

We stopped by Cory & Annie's and got a few marshmellows roasted.

Yes, swinging is the best!

Gramma & Grampa's new playhouse!

Grace & Ben serving up some burgers for Uncle Bill.

Zach 'helping' Gramma.

The head table...Grace, Ben, Abby & Ella

Gavin &'s tough being the little guys...let us out!

Checking out the sand/mud turtle.

One of the sweetest smiles I know!

Awaiting the firepit party...Ben (4), Grace (3), Ella (5) & Abby (6)

Casey, Cory, Dad, Clint & Mom enjoying the fire.

Zach found Uncle Clint's boots.


Zach (14 mos), Grace (3), Gavin (21 mos), Ella (5) and Ben (4)

Handsome little dudes.

Coy & Zach cleaning up.

Gavin (21 mos), Coy (7 mos) and Zach (14 mos) Now there's some cute babies you just want to squeeze! Just wait another few years...oh boy. They look a lot like their dads...lets hope they don't act like them! :)

Ben on Grampa's horse, Jet.

Grace had her cowgirl hat on...I told Ben we had to get him one and he told me he had one downstairs at Gramma' I went and got his favorite old-timer play hat...quite the cowboy.

Miss Abby's classroom.

The weather wasn't perfect, but it didn't stop us from having a blast...thanks for everything Gramma & Grampa!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Billings Grad

We ran up to Billings for the day/night to see Gramma & Grampa M and help celebrate Dad's cousin Michael's graduation from Rocky.

We bunk with friends and family a lot so Ben was pretty excited to stay at a hotel!

Grampa & Zach having some cake.

Uncle Bob terrorizing Ben and Taylor (Neil & Nicole's)

Must've been having fun because I was a bad picture taker!