Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

 We were invited over to Jeff & Ali's for New Year's Eve...where I'm quite certain the kids out numbered the adults.  It was lots of fun...for both kids and adults...thanks Jeff & Ali for a great night!

Jeff & Ali blew up tons of balloons to have a 'ball drop' at 10 for the kiddos!

Waiting in anticipation...although I"m fairly certain they didn't know for what. 

Dads lined up on the stairwell (Nick, Nick Johnson & John Taylor) 


Happy New Year! 

Brady, Ben, Jane, Zach 

A little ping pong action... 

They even had a little beer pong tourney going on...good times.  :) 

Bryce & Lez were there so it was fun ringing in the New Year with them. 

And we got to meet sweet little Blake Anne...born 12/8/12. 

Me and Als 

The wind down...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Everyone has different memories of what Christmas morning was like as a kid...and everyone has ideas of how they want to carry on traditions with their own family... I have to say that waking up Christmas morning with 10 adults and 10 kids is a whole experience in itself!  No not everything goes according to 'plan', yes it's chaotic...but the fact that we can all spend it together from time to time are memories I will always cherish!

Amidst it all I didn't get many pictures in so had to swipe these from my mom...the downside is she's not in any.  :(   I did get a lot of video though!  She's a lot like Santa...filled with the magic and spirit of Christmas, does a lot of the hard work...and adored by all. :) :)

We sall have stockings hung by the fireplace...and Gramma takes great care in filling each and every one!

We've had to move the 'gift tree' you can see, never fear cause Santa always finds his way to Gramma & Grampa's!

My favorite is seeing all these cute fasces!

And the fact that there are plenty of warm bodies to snuggle!!


Ben woke up with croup about 4 in the morning... and his biggest worry is whether Santa would come because we were up (sitting in a hot steamed up bathroom).  My poor guy wasn't feeling his best, but somehow Christmas made it as little better.

Not a bad picture for 10...except 'Waldo' hiding in the back.
Ella (6), Abby (7), Coy (2), Zach (2), Gavin (3), Grace (4), Josie (1), Ben (5), Kenna (13) and Casidy (2 1/2 months)

There's my Zachary.

Little brother came down with the same 'crud' throughout the day.  I guess on a positive note, I got lots of snuggle time in!

Santa brought Ben an Air Hog Helicopter...

...and my little music lover a karokee machine.

The boys got a big trampoline for the backyard...excited, but not as much fun when it has to sit in as box for 5-6 months before you get to play on it.

We may live 6 hours away, but I love how much the boys love their cousins and it's important to me that they get to spend time together and build memories like I have of my cousins growing up!

Jada brought this cardboard playhouse for the kids to decorate and play with...they all had so much fun with it.

Anyone have the key?
Gotta love old school Pacman!

How lucky am I that I still get to spend these special times with all FOUR of my Grandparents!!  Them along with Bill & Darlene and some of their kiddos came and spend the day with us.

Love those cheeks.