Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bobcat Boys

Day 2 of school...Ben was much more impressed with his 'attire' for the day.  There happened to be a home Bobcat football game that day so he was right in his element.  

Somewhere we'll have to find a compromise on the clothes I guess (and I thought this was only an issue with girls?)...I won't make you be a preppy mama's boy every day, but you're not going to wear gym shorts every day either and you will wear a coat in the winter young man!  :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

1st Grader!

I don't know where time goes, but I sent my baby boy off to 1st Grade today!

Apparently after Kindergarten they already start with the 'too cool for school' attitude.

Is that a proud little brother or what?!

Don't forget about little brother...he's just excited about going to 'his Lisa's' as Ben is to school! 

Ben still tells me that I made him look like a 'dork' on the 1st day because of what I 'made' him wear.  Sorry bud, but I still think you were a handsome, cool dude.  :)

Ben is at a brand new school...Meadowlark Elementary...the 8th elementary in Bozeman Public Schools!  His teacher is Ms. Kathy Cote.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Broken Bone #1

Well we made it 6 1/2 years before a broken bone...not sure if that's good or bad?!  I got a call at work from one of Ben's YMCA summer camp counselors saying they were slip-n-sliding and Ben took a tumble and was holding his arm and in 'quite a bit of pain'.  I went and got him and took him up to Bozeman Clinic...sure enough...broken collarbone.  He said the slip-n-slide was going down a hill and he was on his feet and someone came by and knocked him over.  

This was about an hour after we got home from the doc and the pain meds had kicked in a little. :)   The 1st few days were pretty rough, but it didn't keep him down long.  We went back 3 weeks after, re-xrayed and sure enough, bone was 'cemented' back together as the doc called it.  Amazing how fast they can bounce back!  Thank goodness because it happened to be the 1st night of flag football practice.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


We are lucky to have our own little 'beach' right out in our neighborhood.  We've spent several afternoons down playing by the pond this summer and was fun meeting up with some of our neighbors.

Gavin's family brought out their fun little 'party boat' that the kids had a blast on.

We even had Beth & Riley out one sweet are these 2! 

We take a quick shower when we get home and that is usually followed by this about 30 seconds after!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wyman Visit

Tori and Ryker & Kya were able to stop and stay with us a night on their travels back to WA...the kids had a blast burning some energy!

Yes, this is about as good as it gets for everyone to sit still for a group photo...even Tori couldn't sit and smile nice for the camera. 

2 balls of energy
(Ben 6, Ryker 4)

Flashback to November much 'gentler' time:

 Ben 21 mos, Ryker 1 mo

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Camping with the Reinharts

We had to get in at least one little camp trip this summer so we settled on the lazy man way and headed to the KOA in Big Timber for the weekend.  The best part was meeting up with the Reinharts!

Jace & Gabi's Aunt Judy bought all the kids some campfire jiffy pop...we were all pretty excited...and waited patiently...and waited...and finally questioned whether we should've taken the top cover off.  By then, burnt popcorn. :(  Gotta be smarter than jiffy. 

Gabi & Mandy 

Now the smore making we have down! 

Spent the day at the waterslides.  Not the best up-kept slides, but a little freezing water, bumps and bruises didn't stop the kids from having fun. 

Zach loved the kiddy slide. 

Gabi & Zach 

This is a great kiddy pool...if you can get past the freezing water. 

The pool was just as much fun as the slides... Ben... 


 ...yes, Nick...


Go Mandy 

These two always have a great time and it's fun to see them pick up right where they left off. 

Tired Dads?