Saturday, November 30, 2013


The boys couldn't wait to get the tree up so they went with Dad the Sat after Thanksgiving to 'chop one down' at the tree was an awesome tree!

Once we got Zach to hang the ornaments above the first layer of branches they did a great job decorating!

Wallie showed up the next morning with a new train set! 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Morasko Thanksgiving

Gramma & Grampa Morasko came to meet their 1st granddaughter and to spend a quiet Thanksgiving with us at home!

Gramma Morasko

Happy Thanksgiving...we have a few things to be thankful for.  :) 

Trying to keep busy inside when it's freezing cold temps outside. That's not easy for these two busy bodies!

Still in pj's...a.k.a. undies for Ben. 

I laid Courtney on Ben's chest like this and he was favorite past time! 

Zach is obsessed with Courtney's hands...always holding and kissing on them. 

 I think they like her.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Welcome Home Weekend

Gramma & Grampa Begger, Uncle Casey, Aunt Carly and Grace & Coy, and Uncle Wade & Aunt Jenny were all here to help welcome home Courtney!

I snagged pics off my mom's are some of the clowning around going on at home while Courtney & I were still in the hospital.  Nick lugging Ben & Grace...

And Coy & Zach 

Ben had a basketball game the morning Courtney was coming home so Gramma & Grampa and Grace got to take him and watch the action. 

It makes me smile watching how into it he is this time around...and how much he's improved!   

Ben loved having Grace there to show off for.  :) 

Finally home!  If you're wondering about the look on Dad's face...well, it was Cat/Griz Saturday...we got home at approximately 11:30 a.m. and kickoff was at 12:05 p.m.  :)   Dad dropped us off and him, Uncle Casey, Aunt Jenny & Uncle Wade headed to the game.  We won't mention the outcome...although to tell you the truth I could care less that day when I was snuggling my sweet girl.  :) :)

The kids were anxiously waiting!

We had picked out a girls theme nursery and a boys...the day after Courtney was born Nick had a painter come in and get the nursery ready...Gramma & Grampa helped put it back together so we were able to come home to a sweet little girl's room!

There are those beautiful eyes! 

Cousin Coy loved her... 

and was very interested in examining her from head to toe.  :) 

 Love from cousin Grace

These two had a good time...especially playing farm...even in the tub. 

Love Aunt Jenny & Uncle Wade

Baby whisperer  :)

1st bath - a family affair

Not impressed 

Zach hated seeing Courtney cry...look at her face then look at his.  :( 

Pretty girl! 

Gramma stayed a few extra days to get some more snuggles in (oh and baking, cooking, laundry...thanks Mom!)
As soon as Ben walked in the door from school he wanted sissy snuggles. 

We were taking a few pics when my mom was getting ready to leave...we wanted one of us 3 and we had to depend on Zach...this was as good as it got. 

 Lots of love in those smiles!

My sweet pea