Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's a Mosley New Year's

Justin & Kasey & company (a.k.a. Bailey & Bauer) pit-stopped at our place on their holiday vaca to MT to spend New Year's and meet the little miss.  We didn't do much other than lounge around, visit and play games (a sip on a bit of wine :) but it was perfect and we always love our time with them!!

1st priority (after wrestling the boys down)...get in some baby snuggles.

 The Williams' came out for the New Year's festivities.

It's exhausting waiting to ring in the new year! 

There was lots of Monopoly cards played over the few days! 

Justin pretending to watch football (really watching Ryan Seacrest). 


We always love our Mosley visits!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Definitely Related

Everyone keeps asking who Courtney looks like...when she first came out, I immediately saw Ben.  After about a week, everyone that saw her thought she looked like Zach...which is still what we hear.  I see a lot of both of the boys in her so I think she's a pretty good mix.  :)

Benjamin Nicholas     10 lbs 4 oz

Zachary Robert     8 lbs 10 oz

Courtney Ann     9 lbs 3 oz








 ...and growing!




Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas at Home

We spent time with our families the weekend before Christmas and came home and spent a quiet Christmas with just us.  It is fun to be home and have Santa come to our house... although I will admit it was strangely quiet throughout the day!  

Getting ready to go to church Christmas Eve...

Goofball 1

Goofball 2

Sweet Little Princess 

We did spaghetti & meatballs after church so the boys helped Dad roll the meatballs. 

Christmas Morning! 

Yes Zach is eating a cookie...Santa left part of one and he snatched it right up. 

We have a full mantle! 

Santa brought Zach a new bike (ORANGE...he's slightly obsessed with the color)...Ben got an electric scooter. 

Football gear from Mom & Dad...could be dangerous. 

Don't underestimate the little guy. 

Santa even remembered the pups...they were in heaven with their turkey legs.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Some pics from our time in Glendive at Grandma & Grandpa Morasko's...

The boys in their new Bobcat jerseys from G&G Begger.

Hi Grampa! 

Meeting Uncle Derrick...he looks like a natural doesn't he?  ha 

Aunt Jenny brought some giant gingerbread men to decorate.

The boys loved it!

Ben did take a chunk out of a foot, but quickly discovered it wasn't the tasty treat it let on to be.

Gramma oogling.  :) 

The drive home from Eastern MT is always a pretty peaceful one!  :)