Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jenny & Wade

 Jenny & Wade were up this way and spent a night with us.

Aunt Jenny bought this fun sun hat for Courtney! 

Ben & Uncle Wade wrapped up in their Candy Crush.

Monday, January 20, 2014

2 Months!

It makes me a little sad at how fast time flies...on the other hand, I have a happy health little girl and 2 little boys, that I get to watch grow and change everyday!!

I still am thankful every day for this little angel!!

I was trying to get one of Zach with his eyes open, but he couldn't stop giggling long enough.  :) 

It goes without saying at how lucky Courtney is to have these 2 looking after her...but then, they're pretty lucky too!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


We've been busy just living...and loving on our newest gal!

2 weeks old waiting at the doc office.

Throughout my leave, Zach went to daycare Tues & Thurs and stayed home with sissy and me the other days.  We loved our time together...this little boy goes non-stop, but always throws in the random kisses (for both me and Courtney) and "I love you's"...he is a loving, sweet, stubborn, smiley little boy! 

I laid Courtney on the bed by Zach and when I came back into the room Zach had covered her up with one of his blankets so they could watch cartoons together.

She found her smile at around 7 weeks old!

 I stopped in at daycare one day so Lisa could meet Courtney and hangout for a bit...these 2 cutie pies (Riley & Maliyah) climbed on my lap so we took some selfies.  :)

We enlisted the 'behavior chart' to try and encourage good choices and listening...can't say it's 100% effective, but is incentive at times.  They earn stickers which they can 'cash in' for different rewards. 

Ben's 'go to' for being helpful...helping with dishes! 

We introduced the bottle at around 8 weeks...she chugged it down no problem! 

Someone is definitely filling out her carseat! 

We've went to a couple Bobcat basketball games...this is what brothers spent a lot of time doing during the game.  :) 

Ben brought his buddy Cameron to one of the games.

Better get used to it Courtney! 

Love our sleep sacks!

 To daddy and everyone else!!

My helper

The sweetest little thing.