Monday, March 31, 2014

March Madness

Yes we have our hands full...yes we love every minute!

Ready to hit up the Globtrotters.

Moka knows where it's at.

My little more swaddling her!

Hard to believe Moka is 9 and Oakley is 11... they put up with a lot and we couldn't imagine our little family without them.

Zach litterally can't get enough.  He still tells people all the time about our 'new sister.'  :)

She loves her big brothers!

Love these big blue eyes!

Courtney's birthmark on her middle toe.  Of all places.  Doc said when she turns 1 it will swell up and then should fade almost completely away.  We happen to like her little red piggy.

Aunt Carly made all of these towels for the kids.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Court & Jack

John & Julie and little Jack (born 1/19/14) were up for tournaments and stayed with us so we got double baby time in!

Nick...he's a big guy, can be awnry and rough, but definitely a baby lover.

Do you think they even noticed each other??
You're going to be hanging out a lot in the future so get used to it!

Snuggling with the daddies.

Julie doing some baby whispering.

Now everyone can have one to snuggle.
John's a big kid at heart.

These two little babes mean more than anyone probably knows.  :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Zach is 4!

Oh my Zachary Robert... he is such a sweet, caring, funny, stubborn, full of smiles, giggles and I Love You's...passionate, melt your heart little boy.  He takes my breath away with his smiles, hugs and out of the blue "I Love You Mom" multiple times throughout the day.  He's been doing this for several months now and it just doesn't get old...please don't stop!   He looks up to his brother Ben in awe...loves being a big boy and doing the things Ben does...cheers him on at all of his games, and is quick to tell me 'it was just an accident' when I scold Ben for being too rough or torturing his brother.  We signed him up to play soccer this spring and he is so excited...asked if he got to play with other kids against the 'bad guys' (what he refers to every opposing team), and was beaming when he asked Ben if he was going to come watch him.  I love his excitement for growing up, but I sure wish I could keep him little for a bit longer.

A brotherly birthday squeeze. 

I saved Ben's bday crown he got at school so Zach could be birthday king for the day.  I was actually working from home this day and Ben was on spring break so we got to have a fun day hanging together.  Zach was so excited it was his day...when I was putting him to bed that night he asked in a sad little voice... "so when I wake up it's not my birthday anymore?"  Sorry buddy, king for a day and back to reality of just being my bubba bear.  He seemed ok with that.  :)

Zach helped make chocolate covered strawberries to take to Lisa's to share with his friends!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spring Break

We snuck away to tropical Billings for a weekend for 'spring break'... it may not have been a tropical getaway, but we had fun catching up with family and friends!  We stayed with the Reinharts...took kids swimming at the Reef Friday evening, got to catch one of Jace's basketball games, out to lunch, bowling, pizza party, out to breakfast with Harrisons, and boys did a little shopping with their birthday money from Grandma & Grandpa Morasko and Jenny & Wade.  Whew.  I didn't get a whole lot of pictures, but here's a few I snapped...

Courtney meeting Mandy.

Gabi and Zach at the bowling alley...

Jace & Ben

A couple of the Great Aunties stopped by to visit and meet the little miss... Aunt Joyce... 

and Aunt Sue!

We also got to meet Kara & Brian Schlepp's new little guy Keaton...and Tori happened to be in town so got to catch up with her a bit too.  Thanks everyone for stopping by the bowling alley so we could see so many people...and for saving me from showing off too much of my bowling skills...eek.

Lez & Bryce & girls stopped by Mandy & Mike's after for some pizza and play time.

Courtney & Blake checking each other out. 

She's a popular little lady!