Friday, May 30, 2014

Ben's Medal

Throughout the year on Fridays, the kids at Meadowlark are awarded medals in recognition of each students' special traits.  Ben talked about it all year and had to wait patiently to have his turn.  He had the biggest smile when they called his name to get his medal...I'm so glad I was there to see it!

The principal, Mrs. Navas, calling some of the kids up. 

Ben's teacher, Ms. Cote, presented the medal...she talked about Ben and read a special letter she wrote to him.  She even teared up as she talked about how far Ben had grown throughout the school year and how much she enjoyed having him in her class.  Made this mamma shed a few tears as well.  :) 

Ms. Cote & Ben 

So proud of this guy!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Meadowlark Fun Run

Meadowlark's Fun Run...the classes each run for about 30 minutes straight.

Ms. Cote's 1st Grade class getting ready for their turn. 

 Ben and his friend Wyatt

Each time the kids come around a lap they get a mark on their number.  Dad was helping mark kids. 

Ben was 1 lap short of 2 miles. 

Dad taking a lap with the kids.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ben's Spring Program

Ben's class had a little Spring music program one afternoon so I snuck away from work to go watch.  He even had a solo part..he was so nervous, but did such a good job!

Ms. Cote's 1st Grade class 

Ben and neighbor friend, Sadie Swann

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Grampa

Happy Birthday Grampa!

 A little fun at the park with Uncle Derrick, Aunt Jenny & Uncle Wade

4 Generations! 

Casey & Coy stopped over to play for a bit.  Uncle Casey & Courtney

You got a little something on your face...besides the cheetos...GOOSE EGGS!  The story we got was they were running after a ball and ran into the door.  We had the garage door half down to keep the cold air out when we were sitting out back and apparently neither of these 2 knuckleheads got the memo.  :)

Didn't keep them down long!

Friday, May 2, 2014

New Cousins

Kyler (3 weeks), Courtney (5 months), Blake (2 weeks)