Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ringing in with Neighbors

We are very fortunate to have such great friends that just happen to be neighbors.  We got our pj's on and went over to Lauterbach's to ring in the New Year with them and the Henderson's.  Good food and lots of laughs for big and little kids!

 A mean game of Pictionary.  The dads and their 2nd grade awnry boys...Dustin & Gavin, Nolan & Jaaron, and Ben & Nick.

Happy New Year!  Looking forward to lots more good times in the year ahead!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Cousin Fun

"Grampa & Gramma's...where cousins go to become best friends."

Cas & Courtney

Turning the basement into a gigantic tent. 

More sledding fun...
 Coy, Zach, Cas, Josie & Gavin

Tough work being the caboose Kenna? 

Anyone recognize these faces?
Ben, Ella, Grace, Kenna, Abby 

The boys do good work haulin the kids around. 

Ben, Grace, Ella & Abby 

Monopoly Jr....  what happened to Go Fish?? 

Courtney & her godfather, Uncle Clint 

Movie time 

This is how you know it was a good day!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry & Bright

Not everyone gets to wake up Christmas morning at Gramma & Grampa's with their cousins!  

Are you awake Zach? 

Zach, Coy, Blake, Grace, Josie, Ella, Courtney, Ben & the Christmas jammies! 

Hockey gear! 

And Ducks jerseys!

A music box for little miss. 

Best buds 

Grampa got a remote control helicopter. 

Great Gramma & Grampa Barthel came to spend the day with us. 

These 4 pick up where they leave off each time. 

I love how the gang at this table changes over the years.  :) 

4 Generations! 

Don't worry Courtney, Great Gramma doesn't like pictures either. 

Me and my sis-in-laws 

The lady crew 

 All 13 Grandkids

Let's see:  Kenna's 15, Abby 9, Ella 8, Ben 7, Grace 6, Gavin 5, Zach 4, Coy 4, Josie 3, Cas 2, Courney 1, Kyler 8 months, Blake 8 months 

Kenna snuggling the littles 

Proud Grampa & Gramma 

And yes, a stocking is hung for everyone! 

Oldest & youngest Granddaughters. 

Cutest little piggies around. 

Lots of rolls to go around to love on!