Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Growin Girl

We hit some big milestones around 14 months...last bottle and first piggie.  :)

I want to keep her a baby forever!

I distracted her with a nana. 

I don't know how impressed she was, but I sure thought it was cute!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fan Obsessed

These two go all out for their teams...

Ben switched it up from following his dad's Bears and picked his own team this year...Seahawks it is. 

Zach is still a Bear's faithful.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Winter Fun

The boys both got ice skates and hockey gear for Christmas and have lots of fun learning to skate and attempting some hockey.  They both picked up the skating pretty quick...Ben moves a little faster than Zach, but Zach still scoots along.  He was moving 1/2 inch a minute at first and I asked him what he was doing and he looked at me and simply said "I'm ice skating mom"... :)

Some fun with the neighbors. 

Ben and Nolan 

Feeling pretty cool 

 This is right in our neighborhood.  We have a little pond and are fortunate to have someone that clears this little patch after each snow/freeze (thanks 'neighbor')!  Not bad views either.

 Courtney loves skating along in her little one-man sled boat.  

Mighty duck 

We met Maliyah at the park one sunny afternoon.