Sunday, February 22, 2015


We kind of live in a world of multiple birthday parties and cakes...with family, friends, class, etc.  So our tradition...birthday donuts the morning of the REAL DEAL.

I'm up to maple bars...running out of room for candles!

I know Ben, I can't believe you're 8 either.  :)  I want to bottle all of my kids up and keep them little, but truth is each year brings new adventures (and challenges) that I wouldn't trade for anything.   

 I hope all your wishes come true buddy.

3 monkeys

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bowling Birthday Party

Ben wanted to having a bowling party for his birthday.  With some of his buds...Grayson, Cam, Ben, Nolan & Gavin.  They're growing up fast!

The birthday king

Seahawk fans at their finest


We even got a couple little brothers/sisters for Zach to hang with (Sam & Taylor)

Ben's got the form

Zach's 'form'


Ben's not a huge cake fan so requested pizza and dilly bars.  They were a hit!

Even sissy got a turn bowling. 

She was pretty proud of herself. 

 Fun group!

And presents...complete with light up football, legos, pokeman cards, rocket blaster, rubber band gun...he hit the jackpot. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Early Bday Fun

While we were home for the quick weekend, we had an early little birthday celebration with the Grammas & Grampas, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Wade, and Great Aunt Reenie and Uncle Lee at the Gusthauf.

The cakes of choice this year...Gramma nailed 'em! 

Thanks Gramma, we love them! 

Look at these awesome shirts our talented cousin Kenna made!!

She made Courtney's too back for her bday.  She does awesome work...we love having original Kenna Kreations!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Jenny's 30th

It's not every day we pack up and head to Sidney to party it up, but for we made an exception for Jenny's 30th.

The kids went to the farm with Gramma & Grampa Begger for some fun and we took off to party like it's 1988.

The birthday girl 

Leona was in on the fun too!

We had to explain what the 80's were to Derrick.  :) 

With the Aldingers...Jenny's bff Sami.  The party was 70's and 80's...they rocked the 70's.

Family Christmas card? 

Don't forget Wade...he put the whole thing together...good work!

 Wait a second...aren't we related?  Cousin Judd Burman...runs in the same circle as Wade & Jenny.  Small world.