Saturday, May 30, 2015

Camping Hyalite

We had a great time camping with our neighbor buds just up the road at Hyalite.  A little chilly for us tent campers of the bunch, but lots of fun.  

Just a few short miles from our house...not a bad view for the weekend! 

Yay for camping with neighbors! 

Ghost stories... Courtney, Jackson, Zach, Taylor, Nolan, Ben & Madison 

The kids even serenaded with a little Kumbaya. 

Ready for a cruise on the reservoir. 

Nick, Jaaron & Jason heading up the kid tours.

Next crew

A little rainy and wet, but still got some fishing in.


The life

Randi & Erica breaking out some camping bingo.

The girls...Taylor, Courtney & Maddy

Courtney & her bodyguards

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Baby Flip Flops

These have to be the cutest little piggies in flip flops I've ever seen!

Sunday, May 24, 2015


We love when the Reinharts came to visit!  Adults even snuck away one night for Eric Church concert.  We got lots of play time in too!

At Bogart Park

 Who needs toys when you have cups to play with.

Smore time 

Friday, May 22, 2015


Piggies with fine, feathery baby hair on a moving target are a lot harder than they look!

1st attempt one day... we're running late, good enough. I did catch quite a bit of flack over these lopsided little things.

Another attempt a different day...getting better!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Baseball Season!

Let baseball season begin!  Ben's first year of coach-pitch and Zach's first year doing t-ball.