Monday, August 31, 2015

Let the School Year Begin

We love our summer...but look forward to this day when it rolls around.  :)

My 3rd grader...hard to believe.  He got Mrs. King for a teacher.

Can you tell who was mad (in the window) that he didn't get to go on day 1...Kindergarteners start a few days after the other grades. 

Finally...first day of Kinder for this guy...which happened to coincide with Bobcat kickoff day.  

 This is one stead fast Ninja Turtle fan.

Sis had to get her backpack too. 

This little turkey is growing way too fast too! 

He's too little! 

It's a whole lot easier to face the big school when you have big brother there to watch out for you.

Ready to go hesitation in this kid...all smiles and he was ready!  His teacher is Ms. Barghini (in the middle of the pick with the manila envelopes).

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


While kids were at G & G's for the & dad got to go out to peace.

Gallatin River Lodge

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


There were no summer camps offered the week before school started so they kids packed up and headed to farm camp for the week with Gramma & Grampa.  I stole the week in pictures from my mom...she captured some great memories for all of them!

'Excitement' right off the bat...this nice little rattlesnake was nestled up next to the playhouse.  I guess the boys had walked right by it a few times.  THANKFULLY it was sound asleep and Gramma noticed him before there was a little too much excitement.  Grampa to the rescue.  The boys were infatuated with it.    

You don't give it much thought when you were born and raised on the farm, but when it is your city kids visiting and they're not used to the farm life, it gives their mom a good scare. 

Gramma & Grampa were such good sports and indulged in lots of rides and exploring over the week! 

Doesn't everyone learn how to drive on the farm? 

They even got in on some harvesting. 

Helping out Uncle Bill. 

Just along for the ride...and loving it! 

They love their Uncle Bill! 

On to help Grampa do some baling. 

I love how they traded in their hats (earlier in the pictures) for these 'worn in' ones they found. 

Giving Jake some love. 

She doesn't care if he's a stinky farm dog...he still deserves loves! 

Someone loves Gramma's playhouse! 

They found some gems out exploring! 

Mom said the boys got up each morning and got themselves dressed...their choices makes me smile. 

They made sure and went out in the middle of the field to let this crazy guy drive. 


Cas & Kyler came to visit Gramma's too. 


The fair was the weekend after they were there so they got to take part in the stick horse rodeo.  Here is Grace in the pink getting ready for the boot race. 

Ben was too old so he had to cheer on from the sidelines. 

Aunt Jenny & Uncle Wade drove up to watch. 

Grace, Ben & Zach 

Abby helping Cas through the barrels. 

Yay Cas! 

Coy getting ready for the boot race. 

Grampa & Cas 

Zach gearing up for his turn at the boot race. 

My little speed demon! 

1st place! 

One happy cowboy. 

Next up, the barrels. 


Go Grace 

Casey giving instructions. 

 Coy in the barrel crawl.

 Kenna Kae

Grace & Coy with their trophies.

The 100 degrees got to this cowboy...we had to go cool off in the air conditioning.


Zach with some help from brother.

Grampa & Courtney

 Visiting with cousin Kamber Kahl at the rodeo.

Great end to a great week!