Saturday, September 26, 2015

Football Weekend with Jenny & Gramma

Aunt Jenny & Gramma came to visit and we had a busy few days of football, football and more football!

Cutest little cheerleader around!

Ready for Zach's flag football game. 

Go Ravens! 

Get in there buddy! 

Playing around with his buddy Hailey.

Caught dinner at Rio Sabinas after the game. 

Ben's game Sat morning. 

On to Bobcat Homecoming Parade! 

Nick & Dane 

Tuckered out after a busy few days!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Photo Shoot

A photographer I'm not, but just wanted a few updated pictures without spending a fortune.  So. we drove a mile down the road to this little fishing access site and had our own little photo shoot.  

My blond hair, blue eyed babies! 


What you call a dysfunctional goofy pose. 

No, we didn't tell her to grab ears...this just comes natural.  :)'s where we started falling apart...