Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Fun

We usually stay put for Easter, but this year decided to head to the farm to spend it with all of the family.  It's not often that we all can get together so we love the time!

This is how we whip....this is how we nay nay....

Good thing Gramma likes snuggling...and has 2 knees! 

This table has went through the ranks... love this little crew! 

4 peas in a pod 

Ben and his girls 

I guess we know who really runs the show. 

Kenna's cool whip dying project with the kids. 

Nothing like a peep on Easter morning. 

Gramma's girl 

Gramma and Grampa with their crew. 

The oldest and youngest granddaughters 

3 of the best smiles out there...they don't have any fun at all together. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Break DQ

While others are off to Mexico, Disneyland and the likes, we had to settle for grabbing our neighbor buds and hitting up the local DQ.  :)

Ben, Maddy, Zach, Courtney & Jackson

Cutie Pies 


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Bday Party with Classmates

Zach got to celebrate his birthday with about 12 of his classmates at the Ridge.  Lots of running, tumbling, ball'n, sugar, and giggles...mix in some Power Rangers and call it a success.

Zach, Brynn, Aaron, Kenna, Tiffany, Jocelyn, Riley

Jocelyn, Riley, Anna, Courtney

Little Sis

Ben, Brynn, Kenna, Tiffany, Jocelyn, Riley

Eli, Wyatt, Zach, Edward 

Zach & Edward