Friday, December 28, 2007

Phoenix to see the Mosleys

We took a trip down to Phoenix to ring in the New Year with the Mosleys.

Ben did pretty good on the plane rides considering he had to hang tight on mom & dad's laps.

A little snack in the Denver airport.

Ben and the Mosleys...he had a great time terrorizing Baily & Bauer!

Snuggling with Kasey.

Teaching Justin how to really need to put your martini in a sippy cup J.

Ben got to go to his first NFL game as Justin & Kasey treated us to a Cardinals game.

They were playing the St. Louis Rams and someone gave us this sign for Ben to tote around.

For New Year's Eve we went out to a Brazilian steakhouse for an awesome dinner.

Life of the party.

Ready to get out of this joint and go back to Mosleys and play some Wii. :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

As you can tell, we had quite a few 'pre-Christmas' celebrations, but we spent Christmas Day with the Moraskos in Glendive. After opening gifts and playing at Nick's parents all morning, we headed over to Nick's Grandma's to spend time with more of the family.

Dad helping to see what Santa brought for Ben...

...a new sled!

No snow outside so we had to test it out in the house.

Having a good time!

Grandpa got Ben this sweet Bears stocking hat!
Ben loved the Tonka ride-n-push truck Grandma & Grandpa got for him.
Talking with Grandpa.

Kicking back with Aunt Jenny.

No other little kids so Uncle Derrick had to take his turn playing with the toys.

Ready to go to Great Grandma Morasko's for Christmas dinner.

Great Grandpa Brown stopped over to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

In his stylish Christmas vest from Great Grandpa & Grandma Begger.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

We spend Christmas Eve out at my parent's with Cory & Annie and the kids, Ben's Great Grandma & Grandpa Barthel, and Great Aunt Carol from Chicago.

Family picture before we headed to Christmas Eve Mass.

Wouldn't be a complete family photo without the puppies. :)

Grandma & Grandpa loved helping celebrate Ben's 1st Christmas.

Squeezes from Grandma.

The kids could hardly wait to start tearing into some gifts.

In the thick of it all...

Grandma & Grandpa got Ben an activity table that he can stand at and play with all kinds of gadgets...he loves it.

Great Grandpa & Grandma Barthel
We always love having 'Great' Auntie Carol home from Chicago for the holidays.
This one was taken a couple nights earlier when we were able to celebrate with Ben's Great Grandma & Grandpa Begger and some of the other Begger clan.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cousin Jace

The Reinharts stopped out to the farm to visit so Ben could catch up with his cousin Jace.

10 Months Old!

In the midst of all the Christmas celebration, Ben managed to turn 10 months old. Here's a couple of other pics...

Taking a spin on the elyptical.

A new favorite pasttime.

Look at this tall little guy!