Friday, December 28, 2007

Phoenix to see the Mosleys

We took a trip down to Phoenix to ring in the New Year with the Mosleys.

Ben did pretty good on the plane rides considering he had to hang tight on mom & dad's laps.

A little snack in the Denver airport.

Ben and the Mosleys...he had a great time terrorizing Baily & Bauer!

Snuggling with Kasey.

Teaching Justin how to really need to put your martini in a sippy cup J.

Ben got to go to his first NFL game as Justin & Kasey treated us to a Cardinals game.

They were playing the St. Louis Rams and someone gave us this sign for Ben to tote around.

For New Year's Eve we went out to a Brazilian steakhouse for an awesome dinner.

Life of the party.

Ready to get out of this joint and go back to Mosleys and play some Wii. :)