Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sean & Angela's Wedding

We were in Billings this weekend for my cousin Sean Beddow's wedding.

Ben & his cousins...Tate, Ella, Abby & Kenna.

Ben & Makenna.

Ben found himself snoozin under the table...even with the live band blaring in the background he was able to catch a little catnap.

Ben always has a good time with his Grandma.

My cousin Amy (Sletten) Swanson was there with her youngest little girl Alyssa, who was born just 10 days before Ben.

The Grandmas with Alyssa & Ben.

Sears 6 mo Pics

We had Ben's 6 month pictures taken at Sears this weekend. He was a little unsure of the camera lady, but we managed to get some good smiles out of him!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

6 Months Old!

A few of Ben's other 6 month pics...

Ben with his Grandma and cousin Ella.

Snoozin in the big bed with Dad.

Our friend Beth's dog Mosley LOVES him some Ben...and Ben's obviously a big fan of dogs.

Getting too big for his little bath sponge...

...had to upgrade to the big boy chair.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ben & Elsye - 1st Bobcat Scrimmage

Here are a couple pics of Ben and his cousin Elsye Robinson at their first Bobcat scrimmage. Ben is about 6 mons and little Elsye is only about 6 weeks.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hangin out at Casey & Carly's

We spent the afternoon hanging out at Casey & Carly's and enjoying the little blow-up pool they filled up. The water was fresh out of the hose so a little chilly to say the least!

Uncle Casey volunteered to take a 'dip' with Ben.

Not sure about this...
Oh brrrr!
Playin with cousin Tate.

We had our first popcicle...

Take note of the shirt...Nick couldn't pass it up. :)
We had a good time visitin.

Hangin out with Grandpa...

...and Grandma.