Thursday, August 2, 2007

Weekend Home

We went back 'home' to Glendive/Wibaux for a long weekend for Nick's 10 year reunion and to visit with friends and family.

Cousin Makenna could hardly wait to get to play with Ben...and he loved her!

Kenna reading to Ben.

Abby, Ben & Kenna.

Ben & Mom.

Ben loves patty-caking with his Grandma.

Great Grandma Barthel came out for a little visit with Ben.

Rub-a-dubbin with cousins Tate & Abby.

Makenna loved helping with Ben...even with the dirty diapers. She 'can't wait' to baby-sit...I told her I would remind her of that later! ha

Grandma's got the magic touch...I wasn't sure she was going to give her little grandson back. :)

Farm buds.

Ben in his Grandpa's 10 gallon cowboy hat.

Abby givin love.

Future troublemakers!

Ben had to check out the tractor with his Grandpa.

Aunt Jenny came to town to spend some time with Ben.

Loungin on Jamie Harrison's lap at the class picnic.

Flirtin with Jane.