Sunday, November 25, 2007

Makenna's 1st Communion & Confirmation

While we were home for Thanksgiving Makenna made her first Communion and Confirmation so we were able to go to that and help her celebrate.

All of the cousins.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

9 Months Old!

A few of Ben's other 9 month pics...

Ben went to Wibaux to spend time with his grandparents for a few days...while his parents went to Denver to a Broncos game...Ben got to go to a Longhorn game. :)

Ella loves her cousin Ben.

Hangin out with Uncle Clint.

Ben & his Bobcat buddy Elsye at one of the football games.

A little blurry, but you can see Ben's new favorite cuddle buddy is...I was hurrying to get the picture, thinking it was a one time thing, but Ben gives his Oakley regular hugs.

We were shopping at Murdochs and found this little horse so Ben had to try it out...

...he thought it was pretty fun!

Another favorite pasttime.

Moka is a little skeptical of Ben after a few tugs...most of time time she just assume move to another spot when the little terror comes around, but we sneak in some hugs once in awhile.

And we thought we had our hands full before....

This is the scene about 15 minutes after mom gets him all tucked in under his blankets.

Happy Thanksgiving

We went home to Eastern MT and spent Thanksgiving with our families so Ben got to see the Beggers and the Moraskos.

At the Beggers on the farm south of Wibaux...

Ready to eat at the 'big kids' table with Abby & Ella.

Geared up for some real grub...

Ben and Makenna

The rowdy boys.

Who's that handsome guy.

Of course a bedtime story from Grandma.

A little QT with Grandpa.

Snugglin with cousins Abby & Tate.

Trouble makers.

Playin blocks with Aunt Carly (and his new cousin due in March :)

Ben & Ella teasin the puppies out in the patio.

Busy bodies.

Ben & his Aunt Jada.

All of the cousins after a couple days of hard play.

Up to Glendive to see the Moraskos...

Cuddling with Aunt Jenny.

Uncle Derrick

Playin with Grandma.

Grandpa trying to convince Ben to be a Packers fan.

4 Generations of Moraskos...Ben, Nick, his dad Marc, and Grandma Janice.

Must not have eaten enough turkey...pants kept falling down. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Visiting with Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma & Grandpa Begger came up for the weekend and Ben had fun 'visiting' with them. :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

State Volleyball

We went up to the fieldhouse to cheer on some cousins playing in the All-Class State Volleyball tournment. Our cousin Rachel was playing for Wibaux in Class C and cousin Monica was playing for Huntley in Class B. Unfortunately I don't have any pics with the players, but we got some of their fans. :)

Go Rachel!

Ben & his 2nd cousin Maria.

Ben & his Great Aunt Sue who was kind of smitten with him. :)

Cousin Julie.

Cheering Monica on to the state title. Great job Monica...and MVP to top it off!

Dad had to stop off and let Ben sit on the bobcat...he wasn't so sure that was fun.