Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We went home to Eastern MT and spent Thanksgiving with our families so Ben got to see the Beggers and the Moraskos.

At the Beggers on the farm south of Wibaux...

Ready to eat at the 'big kids' table with Abby & Ella.

Geared up for some real grub...

Ben and Makenna

The rowdy boys.

Who's that handsome guy.

Of course a bedtime story from Grandma.

A little QT with Grandpa.

Snugglin with cousins Abby & Tate.

Trouble makers.

Playin blocks with Aunt Carly (and his new cousin due in March :)

Ben & Ella teasin the puppies out in the patio.

Busy bodies.

Ben & his Aunt Jada.

All of the cousins after a couple days of hard play.

Up to Glendive to see the Moraskos...

Cuddling with Aunt Jenny.

Uncle Derrick

Playin with Grandma.

Grandpa trying to convince Ben to be a Packers fan.

4 Generations of Moraskos...Ben, Nick, his dad Marc, and Grandma Janice.

Must not have eaten enough turkey...pants kept falling down. :)