Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

We went back down to Billings and spent Easter weekend with Casey & Carly, my parents, and some of Carly's family.

Coloring Easter eggs.

All spiffed up for church.

Ben found his Easter basket hiding behind Grace's chair.

The Easter Bunny left Ben a football in his basket...which he was evidently pretty excited about!

Ben and Grandma.

This was Ben's big Easter Egg Hunt!

Ben checking out his new cousin Grace in her pretty Easter dress.

The new little family.

Grandma & Grandpa with the kids.

Turkey frying crew.

Clint, Jada & Ella stopped by on their way to Lewistown so Ben got to catch up with cousin Ella.

Playing on the Princess Etch-a-Sketch. :)

Trying on Grandpa's ranch hat.

Riding horse at the mall while we were shopping Saturday.