Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's

We were able to go home over Memorial Day weekend and spend some time at Grandma & Grandpa's with the family. Ben had fun playing with his cousins...we were only missing cousin Grace, Uncle Casey & Aunt Carly.

Cowboy or horsey...we're not sure.

Playin with Abby.

Tate was showin the kids how to stack the blocks.

The boys. It was so good to see our little Tate. He wasn't feeling real good, but still managed a few smiles. Ben hopes he can be as brave and strong as his big cousin.

Playin pool with Ella.

Trying to bug cousin Kenna.

There's always so many yummy treats at Gramma's.

The little girls water coloring.

Ben & Ella had such a fun time makin music on the piano.

Playin with Aunt Jada.

Some snuggle time with Grandma.

Playin cards.

Visiting with Grandpa.

Thanks for the fun weekend Grandma & Grandpa!