Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Camping

After we caught the first half of the Bobcats blowing out Adam State, we headed toward West Yellowstone to do some camping by Hepgen Lake for Labor Day weekend. Casey, Carly & Grace came up to go too, and we camped with Beth & Sean and Beth's brother Thomas. We had a lot of fun...but got a tad chilly at night in the 'ol tent! :)

The camping crew...Nick, Carly, Casey, Grace & Carrie...Ben was taking the picture. Ok, maybe he was napping and Beth was taking the picture.
Hepgen Lake. The dogs love camping, but were a little upset they had to spend some time tied up...we were at a commercial campground. They still got some running around and swim time so life was good.
Ben checking on his little cousin Grace.

Bundled up for the cool morning air.

Some fishing with Dad.

Grace all bundled up in the chilly morning.

Grace and dad Casey.

A little hotdog for lunch.

Grace loungin on the picnic table.

Cory, Kendra & Elsye Robinson were able to meet up with us on Sunday and camp for the night. Ben & Elsye had fun playing in the dirt.

Ben was cheesin it up for us...dirty face and all.

Hard to see, but we had the pack-n-play set up in the tent and here is Ben 'napping'...we had the window unzipped and he kept squacking and yelling things at us. Always the little entertainment.

Surprisingly it did warm up pretty good during the day.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Play Date with Presley & Mason

We got to hang out with Presley & Mason Jacobsen for an evening so Mom & Dad could get away for a few hours. We had a lot of fun with them...Ben loved trying to keep up!

Reading books.

Outside playing yard games.

Playing with the hottub...or 'stirring the soup' as Presley told me. :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back to G-Dive

We were back in Glendive for a quick weekend to spend time with the Moraskos and attend cousin Jaylin's wedding. We had a great time...must of been having too much fun because I only came away with a couple snapshots...

Playin with Aunt Jenny...

...and Uncle D.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Weekend in Billings with Family

We made a trip down to Billings for the weekend to spend some time with family.

We took in a Billings Mustangs baseball game Friday night and Ben got to spend some time with his cousins Bo Marie and Jace.

The two little hoopsters playing at the park the next day.

A little snack break with Dad.

Grandma getting some cuddle time in with Ben & Grace.

We also took in the wedding of Wibauxite and family friend Joe Bakken to our cousin Tasha Blome. Of course I didn't have my camera in-hand to catch Ben shakin it on the dance floor...he had a great time.

Snapshot with Uncle Cory.

And yes, we took in another fair. Ben was all smiles on the rides's when they stopped that the kicking and screaming began. :)

Dad got to take in the rides too which he thoroughly enjoyed. :)

Another go at the merry-go-round.

Even Casey & Grace took part in this one.

You can see here that the horseys are no longer moving. :)

Of course we had to make our way through the petting zoo.

Ready for a rest in the shade with Gramma...

...and Grampa.