Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Getting ready for the trick-or-treaters with Gramma.

Helping light the pumkins out front.

Ready to get out there with the rest of the kids. It was a perfect the 60' the kids were out in full force in our neighborhood.

Watchin the kids and waiting for cousin Grace to get here to go trick-or-treating.

Ready to hit the neighborhood (or at least our block :) with Superman and Ladybug.

Pretty cute little trick-or-treaters!

Ben collected goodies for Grace so he is showing her their loot.

We had a Halloween Party in our basement to celebrate Nick's 30th birthday...and an excuse for the adults to dress up too! Here's Superman with his Dad the big, bad wolf and Mom, Little Red Riding Hood. It was off to bed for Superman from here. :)