Sunday, November 30, 2008

Grammas & Grampas

Great Gramma & Grampa Barthel came out to the farm to have some breakfast before we had to head back to Bozeman.

Sharing some giggles with the Grammas.

Gramma has a hard time saying the good-byes. :)

Ben loves his Papa.

Teasin Great Grampa.

Lots of hugs bye-bye.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun with Jace & Gabi

Mike & Mandy came out to the farm and Ben had fun catching up with his cousins!

Ben & little Gabi (5 months).

Ben & Jace 'sharing' Gabi...Ben trying to give some smooches.

The little guys...2 months apart.

Mandy & Gabi

Hard at it...

Lookin out the window at all the busy happenings on the farm...

A little duet action...

'We want cookies!'

Enough with the pictures already I guess...they don't look to impressed?!

Nick & Gabi

The dogs came in for a break from running wild on the farm and Jace (& Gabi) were having some fun with them...

Gabi on Oakley, Jace on Moka (Moka must have been pooped because usually she will jump up when the kids try to sit on her!)...Jace & Gabi's pup Dakota is watching with a careful eye. :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We made the trek back to Glendive/Wibaux and were able to spend Thanksgiving Day with the Morasko's over at Ben's Great Gramma's.

Ben's favorite 'toy' was this organ...he was providing everyone with great after-dinner entertainment.

Having pumpkin pie with Gramma.

Wrestlin with dady...

Playin with Gramma.

Ben loves taking pictures...this is our self-portrait...note the concentration on his face.

Long day...and sad to to say bye-bye to Grampa... :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last Home Cat Game

It was perfect football weather for the last home Cat game against Portland State...and what a great game. Off to Grizzle town next weekend for some booty kickin!

My Bobcat boys.

Not sure who's entertaining who here...

Yep, Ben's entertaining Beth. :)

My friend Misty's daughter Aislyn (Overby) was having fun with Ben...and we were enjoying catching a few plays of the game! We might have to hire her on for the games next year. ha

Ben & Champ. Ben wasn't sure he liked it when his dad threw him into Champs arms...but he was all about the pounds and high-fives from a few feet away.

Ben & his tailgate buddy Mason.

Ben was kind of getting into this tackle football business.

A couple snaps with cute little Elsye...

In about 5 min we all happened to turn our heads and this powerade ended up in Ben's lap. Sopping wet, Ben & mom headed home and caught the 2nd half on TV (well mom did, Ben was sleeping about 2 blocks from the stadium...too much fun!).

Monday, November 10, 2008

10 Gallon Helmet

Ben found Dad's Bobcat helmet and decided he liked wearing it around...problem is it weighs about as much as him so he has to hold on carefully or the helmet kind of drags him around!