Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun with Jace & Gabi

Mike & Mandy came out to the farm and Ben had fun catching up with his cousins!

Ben & little Gabi (5 months).

Ben & Jace 'sharing' Gabi...Ben trying to give some smooches.

The little guys...2 months apart.

Mandy & Gabi

Hard at it...

Lookin out the window at all the busy happenings on the farm...

A little duet action...

'We want cookies!'

Enough with the pictures already I guess...they don't look to impressed?!

Nick & Gabi

The dogs came in for a break from running wild on the farm and Jace (& Gabi) were having some fun with them...

Gabi on Oakley, Jace on Moka (Moka must have been pooped because usually she will jump up when the kids try to sit on her!)...Jace & Gabi's pup Dakota is watching with a careful eye. :)