Friday, July 24, 2009

Cousin Camp

Every year the Begger side holds 'Cousin Camp'...which is a great way for anyone and everyone that can get together to do it. We always camp out for the weekend at different sites...this year was down at Tongue River in Decker. Nothing beats just hanging out with family.

Setting up camp. We always have a little fortress of tents and a couple campers.

Ben testing out his new sleeping bag.

Checking in on the pups. They love cousin camp too, but don't always get to run free and wild depending on where we're at.

Playing with Auntie Darlene.

A Begger get-together is never complete without a lot of great food! We all take a shift in preparing's Casey cooking up some little pizzas on the grill!

Ben, Grace & Miss Abby...getting ready to try out the river.

What a perfect little raft for these two!

These little fishies barely came out of the water...Jessie, Hailey, Megan & Makenna.

Kenna & Megan - two peas in a pod.

The face? This was way too early in the morning to be wanting to jump in the water! I finally talked Ben into hanging out on the tubes on shore...with a cookie of course.

It was a hot hot weekend...we all hunched under the tarps for some shade.

Does it get any better??

Looks like Ben & Grace got the joke!

Of course there were games of cornhole...
Me & Carly

...and washers. Lee, Colton, Cory & Nick.

Frank, Jerry Barnaby, Travis & Casey.

Time to head back into the river... Ben & Dad.

Casey & Grace

Splash-off with Uncle Cory.

A family affair.

Aunt Darlene with her 'babies'...Amanda & Travis.

Aunt Laureen & Uncle Lee

And when we weren't in the water, the water guns were in full force.

Annie & Cory

The face of an angel. :)

These two little cousins fight like brothers & sisters one minute and then snuggle the next.

Some of the crew...Carly, Chelsea, Colton, Kenna, Jessie, Melissa & Hayden.

All day in the sun will do this to ya!

One of everyone's favorite parts of camp is when Uncle Frank breaks out his guitar and entertains us with a few tunes. Ben & Aunt Joyce were enjoying it!

Ben checking out some of the fish the fishermen brought in.

Travis doing what he does best...entertaining the kids (and himself :).

We're ready Travis!

Abby Rae - this little girl has the biggest smile and most contagious giggle you will ever hear!

And the best part...smores!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Pics

So apparently I decided to take the rest of the summer off from picture taking. We really have been busy with family weddings, camping trips, and working around the house... I know there are pictures out there so I'm going to try and snag some here and there and get a few posts in!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Visit from Grampa & Gramma M

Ben loves his Grammas & Grampas and especially loves when they come to visit! He got to stay home from daycare and hang with them for 2 days. They even loaded him up with some water guns so he thought that was pretty cool.

After somebody.

A little skiddish of the sprinkler at times, but once in awhile he makes a good run through.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Celebration of Life

Although our hearts were broken in having to say good-bye to Tate, we spent the afternoon out in Cory & Annie's backyard enjoying each other and celebrating Tate's life.

Ben and Grampa workin on the trucks in in the sandbox.

Ben playin with Jace & Grace.

Jace & Ben...possibly up to something??

Jason & Lynn went and bought a slip-n-slide for the kids and they had the best time...and I think the adults did too watching the huge grins! Here's Ben geared up to go.

Ella & Ben giving it a go.

Lane helping Ella get some speed.

Lynn giving Abby a push.

And Dad giving Ben one...well, more of a shove!

Let's try this again.

Kenna Kay.

Kenna & Megan showing their skills.

Even some of Tate's buddies came over and Cory spent some time filling up water balloons for everyone!

Time-out to dry off a little.
All that fun worked up an appetite for a few Doritos apprently!

Carly & Grace with Carly's parents, Phil and Kelly Toldness.

Annie & her sisters Amy & Josy.

One of Ben's games turned into everyone blowing him up a balloon so he could pop it... go Uncle Bill!

Grace and her daddy blowing some bubbles.

And of course there were games for the big kids too! I don't think anyone could take Clint and Shane down in cornhole...wait, except Nick & I...what was it, 21-0?!?!

Cory, Jerry & Sean

And out came the water guns... walking into battle...

I think it was Nick against about 20 kids...he gave them a run for their money...until John caught him with a bucket of water off the deck!

Uncle Bill got in on the action...helping Grace nail someone!

Ella taking in a little assistance from Grampa.

I think Grace thought Mom was 'base.'

Megan and Makenna surrendering to Annie. We were ready this time...didn't have the camera ready when Annie drenched Cory just before!

Lisa, me, Cory, Julie (holding Sean & Angela's baby Charlie)

Ice Cream anyone? He was sharing!

Nothing like sharing good times with family.
Lynn, John, Julie, Amanda (sitting on lawn), Lisa, me, Cory, & Uncle Bill

Annie even brought out a few sparklers for the kids to enjoy.

Abby and Grace going dutch down the slide.

Ben's turn to take a spin with Abby.

Kenna swinging...if that's what you call it?!

Dogpile Casey I guess.
The love of family can be of great comfort in times of heartache. The day was a tribute to Tate and all things he loved...and even though we missed him running around bringing life to the party, we can smile as we think of all the cherished memories and know he is smiling with us.