Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our Forever Angel, Tate

Our precious nephew, cousin, son, brother, and grandson, earned his Angel wings on July 8, 2009 following a 14 month courageous fight with neuroblastoma cancer. Words can't say how much we miss his little grin and magical laughter each day. We are blessed with several cherished memories that we will forever hold in our hearts. Ben may be too young to hold onto those memories, but we will always show him pictures and tell him stories of what a hero his older cousin was. He was the most amazing kid I've ever met and even though his time on earth was short, he lived it to the fullest and touched everyone in his world. Not a day will go by when we don't miss him...he's forever in our thoughts. We are all blessed to have such an special angel watching down on us.

One of Tate's favorite songs was 'Fly Away' by Tim McGraw

Tate's journey of his fight with cancer can be followed through his CarePage
Website name: Taterbug

Watching the 4th of July parade in Wibaux this year with Grampa.

Loved the farm and everything that came with it...

...especially riding horse...

...and the dogs, which he called his amigos...
...and of course there was always time for 4-wheeler rides!

Tate had so much fun with his sisters and cousins.

Even though he didn't get to attend a whole lot of his kindergarden year, that didn't stop Tate from learning how to read. He loved to read books to the kids...last time we were home he was reading to Ben and even took time out to read me a book...he was a whiz kid that's for sure!

Tate loved t-ball and took part in any game he had a chance to.

Tate and his Great Gramma Barthel.

Tate didn't let anything stop him from giving it his all!

Another favorite of the farm was riding the tire horse swing, a.k.a. Black Beauty. He could always talk Gramma into giving a push.

Tate's 7th birthday...Gramma made him his favorite cake yet...

him and his Dad are die-hard cowboys fans!
Tate & Abby's birthdays are only 4 days apart so they got to share one big special party.

Tate always loved to go diggin for worms and fishing with his Dad.

A new bike from his Mom & Dad. Tate loved roaming the neighborhood with his buddies!

Decorating Easter eggs this past Easter with Mom, Grampa, his sisters, and cousin Ella.

Gramma always makes sure the kids get an Easter Egg Hunt each year, and they always love it.

Tate had a very special bond with his mom...they helped each other get through the tough times.

Ben was very lucky to get to celebrate his 2nd birthday with his cousins.

Ben trying to save his Dad from the dogpile!

Tate and his buds no doubt.

Tate showing Ben how to pester his mom!

My cherished Godson...he was never too busy for anyone.

There is something truly special about cousins.

Christmas 2008...we had no doubt Santa would find Tate & Annie in Denver.

Tate loved his sisters without end...and it showed in his smiles, and even in his special way of picking on them. :)

4th of July 2008.

Taking the time to teach Ben the ropes.

Getting ready for the campfire, one of Tate's favorite ways to spend a Summer evening.

And the kid could make a mean smore!

Playing with the kids.

Our little fish!

This was at a hotel up in Missoula with some of the cousins where we were all staying for Lisa's wedding. This was when Tate's symptoms first started appearing, in the form of leg aches.

Awnry 1 & 2.

Slumber party...Abby, Ben, Tate, Kenna & baby Grace.

Christmas 2007... I love how Ben is looking at Tate with such admiration, he truly did look up to him.

Grampa & Gramma with the grandkids.

Tate was a very loving little boy!

August 2007

They roll around in the dirt together, they might as well scrub it off together!

June 2007

Ben meeting his special cousins for the 1st time.

Right after Tate met Ben, he sat and rocked with him here and sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' to him.

Tate and his sisters.

Summer 2006

A very special 3-some!

Tate loved the pups.

Museum of the Rockies - June 2006

Trip to the Big Timber Waterslides.

Around the bend with Dad & Kenna.

Making a run with Mom.

Halloween 2005

Fall 2005, Tate 3, Abby 6 mos, Kenna 6
Cousin Camp 2005 - lovin on Gramma

Always the life of the party!

Tate was famous for his knock-knock jokes... he was potty training during this time and he would sit on his potty just inside the camper and still yell out the jokes for everyone... then we would hear music and cheers with the successful flush! ha

Tate and Makenna welcomed their new baby sister Abby into the world on April 27, 2005. Tate grew to be quite the protective older brother to Abby. Just recently when they were at the farm riding 4-wheelers with Grampa Tate told Abby they were going to put her in the middle so she didn't fall off.

A little tackle football with Uncle Nick.

Yes, he is letting his sister paint his toes!

Buds. Tate looked up to his big sister and was always up for the challenge to try and keep up with her.

No naps allowed... for Moka...

or Uncle Clint!

The smile of a mischievious 2 yr old.

Christmas 2004.

4 wheel rides with Grampa were a favorite very early on!

Enough to melt your heart!

Trip to the Denver zoo.

This is what Aunts are for... to paint their little nephews toenails!

Big sister loves!

The big 1st birthday.

Rub-a-dub...a chubby little 6 month old in the tub.

The perfect onsie... 'I watch ESPN with my daddy'... Tate loved sports with his Dad. He grew up to give his Dad and everyone else a run for their money in who could cheer on the Longhorns the loudest.

Makenna and everyone else welcomed this little angel into the world on April 23, 2002... a true gift from God.