Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day

We spent Thanksgiving with my family with everyone home plus lots of my Dad's family so it was a house full and lots of fun.

Abby, Ella & Ben heading up the 'cool kids' table.

There were lots of sports fans in the house sporting their team colors...Ben & Uncle Cory.

Gramma bought Santa hats for the kids and trying to get a group photo with everyone looking AND smiling turned into more of a comical event than anything...but boy are they cute!
(Abby, Grace, Kenna, Gavin, Ben & Ella)

The boys.

Another one with cousins Megan & Hailey.

Makes a good elf huh?!

...even little elves need naps...and this one wanted the hat left on.

Ben & Aunt Jada.

Lovin from Gramma.

Ben said he wanted a picture with '2 Grammas' he grabbed his Great Aunt Darlene.

This picture is funny because Ben kind of organized it...he wanted 'all the Grammas' in the picture...good thing his Great Aunt Sue & Aunt Darlene are good sports! :)

Ben & Gavin with Great Gramma.

Ben & his Great Grampa.

Ben & Ella having cheeto snacks...and apparently good conversation too.

Time to wind down...Ben & Gavin snuggling in for a movie.

A little lovin from big cousin.

Slumber party with Gramma.

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