Friday, April 30, 2010

Waitin on Summer

Springtime in MT is always unpredictable, but this year seems to be more Winter than Spring at the moment so we've kind of been couped up inside!

My boys...I think Zach's legs are about as big around as his brother's at the moment!

My chunky monkey!

We may have a thumb sucker on our hands.

Ben played with this 'fort' for days!

He had to show me that he was having snacks in the fort. :)

Getting Zach to take a bottle has been a work-in-progress. Ben likes to help (for about 10 seconds anyways) but has a short attention span so the bottle doesn't always stay in the mouth.

It's tough being the little guy of the house!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fun with Brady & Livvy

We watched our little friends Brady & Livvy for the day and had a fun/adventurous day! :) I didn't get many pictures...may have had my hands full most of the time...but here's a few of the kiddos.

It was a pretty nice day out so Ben & Brady played outside for awhile and then had push-ups for dessert after lunch.

Thoroughly enjoying them I think.

The gang!

It was a fun day...Ben loves having his friends over. We really only had one minor meltdown. At one point Zach, Livvy & Ben were all crying about one thing or another and Brady looked at me and busted out laughing and said 'Everyone's crying! Good thing I'm not!!' Thanks for making me laugh in the midst of it all Brady!

Ben said he needed a picture of just him and Zachary...he was probably right. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Too Big for the Baby Tub

Well that didn't take long...Zach has already outgrown the baby tub!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Fishin

We finally got some nice weather and took advantage and walked down to the pond so the dogs could swim and Ben could fish...interesting combination. :)

It was around 5:00 so the sun was hitting the water just perfect!

Believe it or not there were fish jumping, but all we caught was two wet muts.

It didn't stop Ben from having fun!

Zach isn't much of a fisherman yet. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Morasko Fam

Zach also got to meet more of the Morasko clan while we were home...

With Grampa...

...Uncle Derrick...

...and Great Gramma Morasko.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Gramma!

We went home for the weekend to help celebrate Gramma's birthday and to introduce Zach to the family. Everyone was home, except Uncle Clint who was stuck working due to all the snow storms around Bismarck. Ben & I were feeling a little under the weather, but still a fun weekend spending time with family!

Makenna is growing up so fast and is such a good little helper with all the kids! I wish she lived closer so I had a baby-sitter. :))

Catching up...Ella, Gavin, Ben & Grace.

Zach snuggled in with Aunt Carly.

Zach & his Great (emphasis :) Gramma Barthel

Part of the birthday crew helping Gramma (& Uncle Tim!) celebrate.

What big helpers!

Ben and another 'Great'...Grampa Begger

Gramma asked if anyone wanted to take a bath and the clothes came flying off!

Ella, Grace & Ben

Abby informed us she was getting 'too big' for the cousin baths. :))

Zach hanging with Grampa.

Not an easy task, but we managed to get all the cousins together for a picture...and no one was crying! haha

We even got one with Gramma & Grampa sitting in...I think this was Gramma's favorite birthday gift. :)

Zach & Uncle Cory...

...with Aunt Annie...

...and Aunt Jada.

Ella even took a turn holding Zach...she's had lots of practice being a big sister!

The two 'little' guys...Zach & Gavin...7 months apart.

The boys...Zach, Gavin & Ben