Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wibaux Fun

Next stop...Wibaux!

Ben loves going to the farm...especially when his cousins are there to play with!

Swinging with Abby.

Out came the water guns!

Ben trying to sneak up on Dad, Zach & Uncle Cory.

I think Grace is up to something!

Makenna is such a good little helper with Zach...and Zach just loves her!

Little cowboy.

My cousin Amanda had baby Jace the same day (about 6 hrs earlier) as Zach was born so the two birthday buddies finally got to meet!

Zach also got to meet his Great Gramma Begger.

Gramma & the little guys.

Handsome little dudes.

I think Zach had a few rolls on his cousin. :)

The Grammas showing off their newest grandsons.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Glendive Fun

We took a long weekend and headed east to spend time with family.

First stop....Glendive.

Grampa makes a good jungle gym...

...and a couch.

Aunt Jenny & this picture!

It was a great morning for a walk down to the park.

Gramma was trying to teach their new pup, Sophie, how to walk on a leash so Ben was 'assisting'.

Zach loungin in his ride.

Family pic

The boys with Gramma & Grampa.

Playin with Gramma.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ben's Army

Ben wanted to line up his stuffed animal 'army' and thought Zach should be one of his little soldiers.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

1st Movie!

We took Ben to see his first movie in the theater to celebrate Father's Day. :)) We went and saw Toy Story 3D! Zach is such a good baby we decided he got to go see his 1st movie too. They both did was such a cute movie, we enjoyed it too!

Waiting for the movie...and for Dad to get back with our popcorn!

Trying out the 3D glasses...

...Zach too...although he did a little more snoozin that watchin.

Our buddy Brady and his mom & dad met us there so the boys got to 'hang out' and watch the movie together.

Zach and Dad taking in the previews.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


We're still not sure if Summer is ever going to come this year, so we take advantage of any nice/sunny days we get. This morning we got out on a little hike up to the M. It's the perfect little hike...especially when you're packing two! Ben is getting to where he gets down and hikes a little on his own now...we just have to keep on him to keep moving instead of stopping to inspect every rock/stick/etc. :) Zach just curls right into mom and snoozes!

Ben was all ready to go see the big 'M' and kept looking at it as we were driving there. He was a little confused when we got all the way up there and he couldn't see this 'M' but instead just a bunch of white rocks. :)

This is another way we roll on our little outings. I usually have to bribe Ben to get in because of course he would rather be running or riding bike, but he does pretty good once we get going. As you can see, Zach usually zonks out the minute he gets buckled in.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Buds

Even though we have to remind Ben that Zach is just a little squirt and can't play as rough as Ben would like...he is pretty good with Zach...and Zach just smiles at his big brother.

My clean little puppies.

Watching cartoons in the morning while mom is getting ready for work.

Ben can really get Zach a smilin.

Monday, June 14, 2010

What a Pair

Some people say they look nothing alike...but boy does their hair stick up the same!

What a pair of looks.

Good thing Zach is laid back...he loves his crazy big brother!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Zach's 3 Months!

Time goes way too fast...especially when you're watching a baby grow and change! Zach is such a sweet little easy going and a little snuggle bug.

He's definitely a health little guy...already wearing 6 & 9 month clothes!

Full of smiles and giggles these days!