Saturday, June 5, 2010

Golf Get-away

Bryce, Lez, Nick & I decided on kind of a whim to take a little weekend golf trip to Medora ND so we headed up to Wibaux after work Friday and stayed the night then left Ben, Zach & Jane with Gramma & Grampa while we snuck over to Medora for the day/night. I think it was a fun weekend for everyone...we had a blast in Medora and Ben & Jane were grinnin from ear to ear with lots of stories so I think they had a pretty good time of their own!

The golf course in Medora is beautiful!

Lez schooled everyone...glad she was on my team!

Amazing views!

Some of our action shots...

Don't ask... you never know what's going through Bryce's head.

Easy enough right?

Our self portrait...good thing Nick has long arms!

The back nine started getting a little interesting... :)

Hole 17...this was supposed to be a funny picture, but we're just so photogenic that it turned out more 'prom'... haha

Losers (a.k.a. boys) buy shots!

We didn't get much time at the farm, but I caught one quick pic of the boys and Gramma & Grampa... Jane had already left, but my mom said they were busy little kids!