Saturday, August 7, 2010

To Gramma's House We Go

We made one more trip home for the summer for some fun at Gramma & Grampa's. All the grandkids were there so Ben & Zach were lovin life.

This trio was down stairs playin and came up in some of Gramma's old hats.

Grace, Ella & Ben

Cory & Annie brought down this waterslide pool... Ben, Ella & Grace...looks fun, but that sprinkler water is a little chilly!

Ben giving it a go.

Ella was a little fish once she got in!

Snack break...Ella, Zach, Abby, Grace & Ben

Back at it.

Grace was content just watchin. :)

The little guys...Zach & Gavin.

Zach and his buddy Kenna.

Lining up for breakfast...Ben, Grace, Abby & Ella.

Great Gramma & Grampa Barthel came out for breakfast after church.