Thursday, September 30, 2010

Garage 'Sailin'

I'll admit I'm kind of a bargain shopper, but never really thought of myself as much of a garage 'sailor'... well apparently I've went enough for Ben to get the gist of how it works. His new game as he dubbed it, is 'garage sailin'. It consists of dragging out all the stuffed animals (apparently Zach falls into this category) and toys and putting them in a big pile in the middle of the living room...and then trying to charge you '40 bucks' for a spider man!

He's very proud of this new game he came up with. :)

'Where's Waldo?'

Oh, there you are...I think I'd pay $40 for this cute monkey. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gramma & Aunt Jenny

I didn't do a very good job snapping pics, but Gramma & Aunt Jenny came to visit and the boys loved spending time with them!

Gramma & boys (Zach with his milk stained shirt and Ben with his jelly toast face :)...but all smiles!

Love Aunt Jenny...maybe it's because she pays Ben a dollar to put his pj's on. haha Good work Jen...the other day Ben told me he didn't need any more money because Jenny gave him a dollar...sounds like he's set!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Busy Boys

Never a dull moment with 2 little boys in the house!

We've had some awesome Fall evenings!

As if he didn't burn enough energy bouncing off the walls, Ben thought he needed to get a quick workout in.

We brought out the jumper and Ben was showing Zach how to do it... didn't take him long to take off...he loves it!

Not sure...Dad's photography. :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family Pics

Over Labor Day weekend our friend Ali introduced us to one of her good friends Erin, who takes awesome pictures (Head Over Heels Photography). We were fortunate enough to snag some of Erin's time while she was in town visitng from Seattle and she caught some great shots (despite chilly/wet/windy weather!) up on MSU campus!

Ben was loving feeding the ducks.

Is this the look of awnry?

Mom had to take a break to feed Zach so Ben & Dad got to do a little photo shoot of their own.

This captures Ben perfectly...all boy.

Love this smile!

My smiley boys.

This one cracks me up...what personalities.

This was Ben's favorite photoshoot. :)

Thanks Erin!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Go Cats!

I didn't snap any pics of the first home game, but here's the boys geared up to go to 2nd home game against Drake. Go Cats!

My boys decked in blue & gold!

Jane was in town and we met up with the Weedins so the kids had lots of fun. Here's Jane, Brady & Ben playing a little cornhole (baggo, bean bags...whatever you want to call it) at the tailgate.

A little hard to see, but here's Jane, Ben, Brady & Elsye on their daddy's shoulders at the Prowl...waiting for the players to come out!

Ben & Jane dashing up the stairs to their seats.

Zach & Dad hangin

Fast forward another hour or so...I think these are looks of 'I'm hot, tired, and have had enough!' :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Zach's 6 Months!

I can't believe how fast time flies...feels like I just had Zach and he's 6 months old! We're rolling all over the place...sitting for a few seconds before tipping over...giggling, laughing, and jabbering...and taking it all in...such a good boy!

These 2 are already good little buds and when Ben tones it down a notch :), play pretty good together! Zach just looks at Ben and grins.