Saturday, September 18, 2010

Go Cats!

I didn't snap any pics of the first home game, but here's the boys geared up to go to 2nd home game against Drake. Go Cats!

My boys decked in blue & gold!

Jane was in town and we met up with the Weedins so the kids had lots of fun. Here's Jane, Brady & Ben playing a little cornhole (baggo, bean bags...whatever you want to call it) at the tailgate.

A little hard to see, but here's Jane, Ben, Brady & Elsye on their daddy's shoulders at the Prowl...waiting for the players to come out!

Ben & Jane dashing up the stairs to their seats.

Zach & Dad hangin

Fast forward another hour or so...I think these are looks of 'I'm hot, tired, and have had enough!' :)