Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tailgating Fun

A few shots tailgating at a couple of the Cat games...

Tailgating's hard work!

Oh how the times have's the real life of the party these days!
Livvy Weedin, Tahlia Taylor, Hadley Holmquist, Ben, Brady Weedin, Elsye Robinson & Harper Holmquist

Little cutie pies - Tahlia, Liv, & Harper

The kids have so much fun running around crazy.

This was pretty funny...Ginny Daws (Ali's mom) had brought some cupcakes (with about 2 inches of frosting) and got them out and all of the sudden it was mass chaos of kids and frosting head to toe...but they were loving it!

And we hit a wall...Zach was taking a little snooze & little Liv thought she would join him for a quick rest. :)

My sleepy little bobcat.

Up in the stands. The boys do pretty good considering that the day gets a bit long.

Keeping themselves busy.

A couple other shots of some of our other favorite tailgating buddies...Zach & Beth...

...and Ben & Rob.